
Find true power in your data

Looker is the business intelligence (BI) and analytics platform that’s part of the Google Cloud data and analytics suite. Transcending traditional BI, Looker powers data experiences that deliver actionable business insights at the point of decision and infuses data into products and workflows to allow organizations to extract value from data at web-scale. Over 2000 industry-leading and innovative companies such as Sony, Amazon, The Economist, IBM, Etsy, Lyft and Kickstarter have trusted Looker to power their data-driven cultures. For more information, visit Looker or Google Cloud and connect with us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

Modern BI & analytics

Serve up real-time dashboards for more in-depth analysis. Easy access to trustworthy data enables fresh results for better reporting.

Serve up real-time dashboards for more in-depth analysis. Easy access to trustworthy data enables fresh results for better reporting.

Your data could be doing more

How we experience data is not what it used to be. An effective dashboard is great, but it’s not the solution to every problem. You want to get more value from your data, do more with your data, and enable others to work with data in more ways. That’…

How we experience data is not what it used to be. An effective dashboard is great, but it’s not the solution to every problem. You want to get more value from your data, do more with your data, and enable others to work with data in more ways. That’s why Looker provides more options to help you unleash more powerful data experiences.

Looker Data Platform
Make better decisions with the platform for data

Looker SaaS Solutions
SaaS analytics tools that provide the whole picture


