Stack Overflow

Your company’s homebase for knowledge.

Stack Overflow is an open community for anyone that codes. We help you get answers to your toughest coding questions, share knowledge with your coworkers in private, and find your next dream job.

Our public platform serves 120 million people every month, making it one of the 50 most popular websites in the world.

Our asynchronous knowledge management and collaboration offering Stack Overflow for Teams, is transforming how people work.


Organize and share knowledge across your company Stack Overflow for Teams is the homebase for mission-critical knowledge.Stay productive  Focus on building products, not answering questions.  Onboard faster  Get new hires up to speed in record time.…

Organize and share knowledge across your company Stack Overflow for Teams is the homebase for mission-critical knowledge.

Stay productive
Focus on building products, not answering questions.

Onboard faster
Get new hires up to speed in record time.

Unlock information
Stop digging through chat threads, emails, and old wikis.

Stack overflow advertising

Reach 50 million+ people in tech  Get the word out to the world’s largest audience of developers. Advertise on Stack Overflow.Developers love Stack Overflow When developers have a coding problem, they head to Stack Overflow. Because they know they’l…

Reach 50 million+ people in tech
Get the word out to the world’s largest audience of developers. Advertise on Stack Overflow.

Developers love Stack Overflow

When developers have a coding problem, they head to Stack Overflow. Because they know they’ll find a solution.

59% of developers visit Stack Overflow every day

82% of developers visit Stack Overflow at least once a week

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